Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bunches of mushrooms!

Found a whole bunch of caps in my neighbors yard unidentified but I'm leaving for a trip tomorrow so I just wanted to document them


Found this guy and can't help making a post even though I'm going out of town for awhile, I think he's a little russula

Maybe I can figure out what he is later

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Unidentified White Flower


I believe it is some species of trillium.

Mint family

No idea what this plant is, had a very distinct smell though
Wow... feeling dumber now that I googled "fuzzy pungent plant" and mint relatives come up. 1) I should have recognized it, 2) I should have noticed the square stem 3) WHY DID I NOT RECOGNIZE THE SMELL... I'm crazy.
Relatively certain after a little research it's apple mint... AKA wolly mint :3
but no... hm

NEW YORK mushroom

I was in new York city last weekend and worked at a bar mitzvah for the afternoon. There I found a little cap that I wanted to at least post about.

Double Umbrella

still lazy. but I found another little cluster. these two guys were growing on an unidentified stump. brownish rust color. still too lazy for description but they were pretty small.

Fuzzy Wet Chantarelle

Found some soaked, fuzzy chantarelles in the neighbor's yard.


Just kidding. But I was super pumped when I saw these guys. They look russula-esque, let's find out!


one of the chantarelles was acting as an umbrella to this little guy
however, he's super tiny and I wasn't able to get any really good pictures of him. It was super damp and shady in the area I was and when I went to photograph him later, it was getting to be to dark. I'll take another tomorrow.

possibilities:  Collybia cirrhata,
See how small it is? 4 cm long... 
it was growing under the previous mushroom underneath this: tree

I believe this tree to be an eastern redbud.

Powdery white mushroom

so, I found a mushroom today. I'm kind of out of the practice of making posts but I wanted to put it on here.
the interesting thing about it is that it's incredibly powdery. like when you touch it and remove your hand, it leaves moist powdery stuff on your hand.
I've gotten extremely lazy and don't feel like adding a bunch of details so I'm just adding the picture and leaving it at that.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Leaf-footed Bug (Leptoglossus phyllopus) nymph

found a little orange ant-like bug hanging out on a plant. according to THIS WEBSITE, it is the nymph of an assasin bug. (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
Quite possible the assassin bug species (Zelus Longipes), based on what I found HERE.
But then again, it could be a leaf-footed bug, based on THIS page. Yes, on second thought, it most DEFINATELY is. See HERE at this link, you can see the similarity much better.

This guy was mega tiny so, even though the pictures aren't perfect, they're still pretty fabulous for capturing detailed pictures of an insect about the size of a regular fire ant.
This is not my picture, but it shows the difference and similarity of what I thought it was. 
So I found a toddler Leaf-footed bug. Interesting. Leptoglossus phyllopus is it's scientific name. 
Here is some info about Mr. Pest. Because I cannot find any information about it other than **PEST CONTROL** I actually think it's kind of pretty :3

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) skull

Found a skull! A small rodent skull though, nothing too exciting.
And, thanks to, I was able to identify it as a squirrel skull!
I really like the fly on top of it, it really adds to it, huh?